Nelly Furtado Plays the Oldest Flute in the World

Nelly Neanderthal Flute

Bravisimo. Nelly Furtado during her concert in Ljubljana (18.03.2013) played on the replica of the most oldest instrument in the world: Neanderthal flute from ‘Divje Babe’ (Slovenia).

Nelly Furtado Cavewoman

Na včerajšnjem koncertu Nelly Furtado smo z Radiem Center pomagali, da je pevka prišla do replike najstarejšega glasbila na svetu. Pevka je za paleolitsko piščal iz Divjih bab izvedela sama. Pohvalno?

3 thoughts on “Nelly Furtado Plays the Oldest Flute in the World

  1. A new study claims the ancient artifact is nothing more than a bone that had been chewed on by hyenas.

    that’s a lie this is the truth about the magic flute:

    In the News: Oldest Musical Instruments

    Theories abound to explain why music first emerged: does it relate to our cognitive skills like language, or was it used to attract mates, or to build group unity and social cohesion? Why do you think people played these flutes so many thousands of years ago?

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